App Folder Boilerplate
The Quasar CLI helps you start an App folder with all the necessary boilerplate that you will need to get started building your application. To begin, there is a simple command:$ quasar init <starter_kit> <folder name>
To list all available starter kit names, type:$ quasar list
The created boilerplates are a fork of the official Webpack + VueJs repo. So, if you’ve worked with Vue’s CLI, Quasar’s CLI should seem quite familiar to you.
If you want to tweak things specific for your App, you first need to understand the underlying tools being used in the generated boilerplate.
The boilerplate is targeted towards large, serious projects and assumes you are somewhat familiar with Webpack and vue-loader. Make sure to also read vue-loader’s documentation for common workflow recipes.
What’s Included
While developing with Dev Server ($ quasar dev
- Webpack + vue-loader for single file Vue components
- State preserving hot-reload
- State preserving compilation error overlay
- Lint-on-save with ESLint
- Source maps
Developing for production ($quasar build
- Javascript minified with UglifyJS
- HTML minified with html-minifier
- CSS across all components extracted into a single file and minified with cssnano
- All static assets are compiled with version hashes for efficient long-term caching, and a production index.html is auto-generated with proper URLs to these generated assets.