
Quasar Carousel is a Vue Component which you can use to display more information with less real estate, using slides.

The Carousel height is determined by the slide with biggest height.

Basic Carousel. No controls. Just swipe between slides or
use you mouse to drag slides to left or right.

<q-carousel class="text-white">
<div slot="slide" class="bg-primary">
Slide 1
<div slot="slide" class="bg-secondary">
Slide 2
<div slot="slide" class="bg-tertiary">
Slide 3

Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
infiniteBooleanInfinite slides scrolling
autoplayBoolean/NumberAuto scrolls between slides. Works great along infinite prop (but infinite is not required). If used as a number, it represents the number of milliseconds between scrolls.
arrowsBooleanShow arrows
dotsBooleanShow dots at bottom
fullscreenBooleanShows Fullscreen button
handle-arrow-keysBooleanAllow navigation with left and right arrow key
actionsBooleanShow Actions slot
animationBoolean/NumberShow animation when slide changes. If used as number, represents the duration of the animation. Default is true, default duration is 300 ms.
no-swipeBooleanDisable swiping.
easingFunctionEasing function used when changing slide from autoplay or button press.
swipe-easingFunctionEasing function used when changing slide with a swipe

Vue Methods

Vue MethodDescription
next(doneFn)Goes to next slide.
previous(doneFn)Goes to previous slide.
goToSlide(slideNumber, doneFn)Go to the desired slide. slideNumber is 0-based.
toggleFullscreen()Toggles fullscreen mode.

Vue Events

Vue EventDescription
@slide(index, direction)Emits the index of the current slide and the direction of the slide when the transition animation finishes. Emits even if navigating to the same slide.

Carousels can contain button controls, like:

To show these controls simply add arrows, dots and/or fullscreen DOM node attributes.

<q-carousel arrows dots fullscreen class="text-white">
<div slot="slide" class="bg-primary">
Slide 1
<div slot="slide" class="bg-secondary">
Slide 2

Add CSS class centered to the slide that you want to center its content.

<q-carousel arrows dots class="text-white">
<div slot="slide" class="bg-primary centered">
Slide 1
<div slot="slide" class="bg-secondary centered">
Slide 2

Use infinite Vue prop.

<q-carousel infinite class="text-white">
<div slot="slide" class="bg-primary centered">
Slide 1
<div slot="slide" class="bg-secondary centered">
Slide 2

Use autoplay Vue prop. Works great with infinite prop too (but infinite is not required).

<q-carousel autoplay class="text-white">
<div slot="slide" class="bg-primary centered">
Slide 1
<div slot="slide" class="bg-secondary centered">
Slide 2

Put icons on the same DOM hierarchical level as the slides.

<q-carousel arrows dots actions class="text-white">
<div slot="slide" class="bg-primary">
Slide 1
<div slot="slide" class="bg-secondary">
Slide 2
<div slot="slide" class="bg-tertiary">
Slide 3

<q-icon slot="action" @click="someMethod" name="camera_enhance" />
<q-icon slot="action" @click="someOtherMethod" name="bookmark_border" />
<q-icon slot="action" @click="thirdMethod" name="add_shopping_cart" />

You can launch a Carousel in Fullscreen by using a Modal component:

<q-btn color="primary" glossy @click="$">
<q-modal ref="modal" class="maximized">
<q-carousel arrows dots class="text-white full-height">
<div slot="slide" class="bg-primary centered">
<h1>Slide 1</h1>
<q-btn color="dark" glossy @click="$refs.modal.close()">Close Me</q-btn>
<div slot="slide" class="bg-secondary centered">
<h1>Slide 2</h1>
<q-btn color="dark" glossy @click="$refs.modal.close()">Close Me</q-btn>
<div slot="slide" class="bg-tertiary centered">
<h1>Slide 3</h1>
<q-btn color="dark" glossy @click="$refs.modal.close()">Close Me</q-btn>