Image Gallery     

All Components below are responsive. They accommodate to the width of their container.

Responsive Images

Just add the responsive CSS class to it.

<img src="~assets/quasar.jpg" class="responsive">

Avatar Images

Just add the avatar CSS class to it.

<img src="~assets/q-avatar.jpg" class="avatar">

Use this Web Component when you want to display multiple images together.

<q-gallery :src="gallery" />

<!-- With infinite scrolling and autoplay and dots and fullscreen -->

Vue Properties

srcArrayArray of Strings represting URLs. Use images from statics folder.
infiniteBooleanInfinite slides scrolling
autoplayBoolean/NumberAuto scrolls between slides. Works great along infinite prop (but infinite is not required). If used as a number, it represents the number of milliseconds between scrolls.
arrowsBooleanShow arrows
dotsBooleanShow dots at bottom
fullscreenBooleanShows Fullscreen button
handle-arrow-keysBooleanAllow navigation with left and right arrow key
actionsBooleanShow Actions slot

When the real estate of the Page is an issue, use this Web Component which displays multiple images using a Carousel Component.

Gallery Carousel has two control buttons available: one which when clicked displays a list of thumbnails of all images in the gallery, and the other which can bring the component to fullscreen.

User can switch between images using the arrow buttons or through swipe actions. When on desktop, user can also drag on images to left or right.

<!-- Template for VueModel below -->
<q-gallery-carousel :src="gallery" />

Vue Properties

srcArrayStrings represting URLs. Use images from statics folder.
horizontal-quick-viewBooleanShow thumbnails at bottom.
infiniteBooleanInfinite slides scrolling
autoplayBoolean/NumberAuto scrolls between slides. Works great along infinite prop (but infinite is not required). If used as a number, it represents the number of milliseconds between scrolls.
arrowsBooleanShow arrows. (Default is true)
dotsBooleanShow dots at bottom
fullscreenBooleanShows Fullscreen button
handle-arrow-keysBooleanAllow navigation with left and right arrow key
actionsBooleanShow Actions slot. (Default is true)
animationBoolean/NumberShow animation when slide changes. If used as number, represents the duration of the animation. Default is true, default duration is 300 ms.
no-swipeBooleanDisable swiping
easingFunctionEasing function used when changing slide from autoplay or button press.
swipe-easingFunctionEasing function used when changing slide with a swipe

Vue Methods

toggleQuickView()Toggle thumbnails view.
goToSlide(Number index, Boolean animation)Go to a certain slide number (with animation or not).

Vue Events

@slide(slideNumber)Triggered when slide number changes.