
Select component has two types of selection: single selection (using Radios or Lists) or multiple selection (using Checkboxes or Toggles). This component opens up a Popover for the selection list and action. A filter can also be used for longer lists.

If you need a Dialog for the selection, use the sibling Dialog Select component.

Works well with QField for additional functionality such as a helper, error message placeholder and many others.

Basic Usage

<!-- Single Selection using Radios -->
float-label="Is Quasar Awesome?"

<!-- Single Selection as a simple List -->

<!-- Multiple Selection using Checkboxes by default -->

<!-- Multiple Selection using Toggles -->

export default {
data () {
return {
selectOptions: [
label: 'Google',
value: 'goog'
label: 'Facebook',
value: 'fb'

Vue Properties

Supports v-model which should be the String for single selection and Array for multiple selection.

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
optionsArray(Required) A list of objects to present as the selection’s options. See below for the data format for the array.
multipleBooleanIf set to true, multiple selections will be allowed.
radioBooleanIf set to true, the selection will be through radios. For single selection only.
toggleBooleanIf set to true, the selection options will offer a toggle to select them.
chipsBooleanIf set to true, the selections will appear as chips (instead of comma separated strings) on the input frame (works for multiple selection only).
frame-colorStringOne from Quasar Color Palette. Useful when color is to be used for Chips alone and you want a different color for the input frame.
filterBooleanIf set to true, the selections will offer an input to filter the selection options.
autofocus-filterBooleanAuto-focus on the filter input field (if available) when opening selection.
filter-placeholderStringA text to show in the filter input field. Default is “Filter”.
separatorBooleanIf set to true, the selection options will be separated by a line.
display-valueStringOverrides text displayed in input frame. See “Working with Display Value” section below.
clearableBooleanIf set to true, the component offers the user an actionable icon to remove the current selection.

Common input frame properties:

prefixStringA text that should be shown before the textfield.
suffixStringA text that should be shown after the textfield.
float-labelStringA text label that will “float” up above the input field, once the input field gets focus.
stack-labelStringA text label that will be shown above the input field and is static.
colorStringA color from the Quasar Color Palette.
invertedBooleanInverted mode. The color is applied to the background instead.
darkBooleanIs QSelect rendered on a dark background?
alignStringOne of ‘left’, ‘center’ or ‘right’ which determines the text align within the textfield.
disableBooleanIf set to true, the field is disabled and the user cannot select anything.
errorBooleanIf set to true, the input field’s colors are changed to show there is an error.
beforeArray of ObjectsIcon buttons positioned on the left side of field.
afterArray of ObjectsIcon buttons on the right side of the field.

Icon buttons

This section refers to before and after properties which can add additional buttons as icons to the textfield. Here is the structure of the two properties:

// required icon
icon: String,
// required function to call when
// icon is clicked/tapped
handler: Function,

// Optional. Show icon button
// if model has a value
content: Boolean,

// Optional. Show icon button
// if textfield is marked with error
error: Boolean


Show an icon button (with 'warning' as icon)
icon: 'warning',
handler () {
// do something...

Show an icon button (with 'arrow_forward' as icon)
when the model has a non empty value (like something has
been selected).
icon: 'arrow_forward',
content: true,
handler () {
// do something...

Selection Types

You have a number of possible selection types to choose from. They are straight text with optional icons and stamp values, radios, checkboxes, and toggles. Text is default for single selections and checkboxes are default for multiple selections.

Use the radio prop for single selections. These checkboxes are inserted where the icons would be, so you cannot have icons and checkboxes for multiple selections. If you still want icons with your multiple selections, use the toggle prop. This would, however, replace the stamp option.

<!-- Radios for single selections -->

<!-- Toggles for Multiple Selection -->

The Options Array Format

Below are examples of the array of options you must use to create the selection options:

Select options object:

selectOptions: [
label: 'Google',
value: 'goog'
label: 'Facebook',
value: 'fb'

More advanced select list object example:

selectListOptions: [
label: 'Google',
icon: 'search',
value: 'goog'
label: 'Facebook',
inset: true,
description: 'Enables communication',
value: 'fb'
label: 'Oracle',
description: 'Some Java for today?',

icon: 'mail',
leftColor: 'secondary', // color for left side, whatever it is (icon, letter, ...)

rightIcon: 'alarm',
rightColor: 'negative', // color for right side, whatever it is (icon, letter, ...)

value: 'ora'
label: 'Apple Inc.',
inset: true,
stamp: '10 min',
value: 'appl'

Set “inset” to true, instead of an icon, so the label text is properly aligned with the other options that use icons or avatars.

Use an Object for each option like above (notice that it uses some properties from List and List Items components, like “label”, “sublabel”, “stamp”, “icon”, “rightIcon” and so on. Here is the full list of properties that can be used for each option:

leftColorStringColor for left side from Quasar Color Palette.
iconStringIcon on the left to use.
avatarStringURL pointing to statics for an avatar.
letterStringOne character String.
imageStringURL pointing to statics for an image.
labelStringMain label of the selection.
sublabelStringSub-label of the selection.
labelLinesString/NumberNumber of lines that label can expand to.
sublabelLinesString/NumberNumber of lines that the sublabel can expand to.
insetBooleanInset Label if no left-side is specified (no icon, avatar, letter or image).
rightColorStringColor for right side from Quasar Color Palette.
rightIconStringIcon on the right to use.
rightAvatarStringURL pointing to statics for an avatar on right side.
rightLetterStringOne character String for right side.
rightImageStringURL pointing to statics for an image on right side.
stampStringStamp to use for right side. Example: ‘10 min ago’.

Working with Display Value

If for some reason you want to have total control over the text in the input frame (replacing the comma delimited option strings), then use display-value property:

:display-value="`${ multipleSelect.length } item${ multipleSelect.length !== 1 ? 's' : '' } selected`"
float-label="Select a company"

For a more elegant solution (and more efficient too), use a computed property:

<!-- Notice "display-value" is binded to "text" variable -->
float-label="Select a company"

export default {
data () {
return {
multipleSelect: /* value */,
selectOptions: /* options */
computed: {
text () {
// in this example we want to show how many items are selected,
// so we need to check model (multipleSelect) length
return `${this.multipleSelect.length} item${this.multipleSelect.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} selected`

Vue Methods

Vue MethodDescription
open()Opens the Popover
close()Closes the Popover

Vue Events

Vue EventDescription
@change(newValue)Triggered on model value change.
@focusTriggered, when the field gets focus.
@blurTriggered, when the field loses focus.

More Examples

Error State

Use the error prop, to change the color of the component to red:



Use the disable prop, to stop access to the field.

<!-- Disabled state -->
float-label="Disabled Select"


As with any input, you have two options for labels. Stack and Floating. Unless you wrap it with a QField which has its own label.

<!-- Floating Label -->
float-label="This Label Floats"

<!-- Stack Label -->


Use the color, inverted and frame-color props to control the coloring of the component.

<!-- Color -->

<!-- Inverted Color -->

With a color for chips and a different color for the frame.
Notice "color" and "frame-color". By default, "color" is used
for both frame and chips, but specifying a frame-color overrides
the color for the frame.
float-label="Some label"

The optional frame-color prop is useful when using chips as selected values, so the chips stand out from the background color.

Usage Inside of a List

<q-list-header>Single Selection</q-list-header>
<q-item-side icon="supervisor_account" />
<q-item-separator />
<q-list-header>Multiple Selection</q-list-header>
<q-item-side icon="supervisor_account" />