Integrating Layout with Router
You can benefit from Vue Router’s capabilities while structuring your routes with a Quasar Layout. The information below is just a recommendation and not a mandatory folder/files structure to follow. Quasar allows you full freedom. Take the lines below only as an example.
Layout is the component used to encapsulate pages, so that multiple pages will share the same header, left / right side and so on. In order to understand how this works, you need a little bit of reading on Vue Router nested routes.
To make it more clear, let’s take an example. We have one layout (‘user-layout’) and two pages (‘user-feed’ and ‘user-profile’). We want to configure the website/app routes like this: /user/feed
and /user/profile
Our router configuration (usually in /src/router.js
) will look like this:import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
Avoid lazy loading while in dev mode
to benefit from HMR
function load (component) {
return () => System.import(`components/${component}.vue`)
const routes = [
path: '/user',
// We point it to our component
// where we defined our QLayout
component: load('user/layout'),
// Now we define the sub-routes.
// These are getting injected into
// layout (from above) automatically
// by using <router-view> placeholder
// (need to specify it in layout)
children: [
path: 'feed',
component: load('user/feed')
path: 'profile',
component: load('user/profile')
export default new VueRoute({
routes // our routes
The above routes look for a folder called ‘user’ in ‘/src/components’. Feel free to tweak load()
function to your liking. The file structure needed for vue components of your app for the configuration above is:src/
└── components/
└── user
├── layout.vue # our vue component where we use QLayout
├── feed.vue # our user feed page
└── profile.vue # our user profile page
Pages get injected into QLayout where <router-view>
component is specified, replacing it. Remember to always use this Vue component whenever your Layout has pages attached to it.<q-layout>
This is where your pages will get
injected into your Layout
<router-view />
Read all Vue Router documentation to fully understand the example above and how to configure the router and its routes for your app.