Datetime Range     

The Datetime Range component offers the users the ability to input a date, time or datetime interval. It is based off of the Datetime component. Before diving in, make sure you know how to use the Datetime component, since this component shares same properties.

In essense, Datetime Range is made up of two Datetime components, one for “from” and one for “to”, making up a date interval together.

Basic Usage

<!-- Date Range -->

<!-- Time Range -->

<!-- Datetime Range -->

Vue Properties

The properties below are only special to the Datetime Range component. This component also shares all of the properties of the Datetime component which get applied to both inner Datetimes.

Supports v-model which must be an Object with from and to properties, which each holding the same types String, Number and Date as the model used for Datetime component. In effect, these are the models for each of the two datetime components used to create the range.

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
default-fromString, Number, DateUsed as “default-selection” for “from” model.
default-toString, Number, DateUsed as “default-selection” for “to” model.
cssString/ObjectCSS applied to each Datetime component

Vue Events

Vue EventDescription
@change(newVal)Triggered when model (Object with to and from props) changes.