
Quasar Slider is a great way to make the user specify a number value between a minimum and maximum value, with optional steps between valid values.

Also check its “sibling”, the Range component.
Remember you can use QSlider wrapped by a QField too.

Works well with QField for additional functionality such as a helper, error message placeholder and many others.

Basic Usage

<q-slider v-model="selectedValue" :min="1" :max="7" />

Example with step, label and snap:


Example with square slider button:


Vue Properties

Supports v-model which should be binded to a Number in your scope.

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
minNumberMinimum value of the model. Default is 1.
maxNumberMaximum value of the model. Default is 5.
labelBooleanPopup a label when user clicks/taps on the Range and moves it.
label-alwaysBooleanAlways display the label.
label-valueStringOverride default label value.
fill-handle-alwaysBooleanFill handle even if at minimum value.
stepNumberSpecify step amount between valid values.
snapBooleanRange handler will snap on values, rather than sliding freely; good to use along step; also displays step markers on the Range.
markersBooleanDisplay markers on background, one for each possible value for the model.
squareBooleanWhen true. the slider button is square instead of round.
colorStringOne of Quasar Color Palette.
errorBooleanIf set to true, the slider is turned red.
disableBooleanIf set to true, the user cannot change model value.

Make sure you choose the min, max and step value correctly. step must be a divisor of max - min, otherwise the component won’t work right. This is because all valid steps must be able to hold an equal position within the min and max values.

Error State

Use the error prop to indicate there is an error. This will turn the component red:

<q-slider error v-model="selectedValue" :min="0" :max="50" />


Use the disable prop to stop the user from changing the slider value.

<q-slider v-model="selectedValue" :min="0" :max="50" disable />

Overriding Label

In the example below we add a “px” suffix to the label.

:min="-20" :max="20"


Use one of the Quasar colors from the Color Palette with the color prop, like primary, secondary, orange-8, teal-4:

<q-slider color="orange" v-model="standalone" :min="0" :max="50" label />

Vue Events

Vue EventDescription
@change(newVal)Triggered on model value change.

Usage Inside of a List

<q-item-side icon="volume_up" />
<q-slider v-model="standalone" :min="0" :max="50" label />
<q-item-side icon="brightness_medium" />
<q-slider v-model="standalone" :min="0" :max="50" label />
<q-item-side icon="mic" />
<q-slider v-model="standalone" :min="0" :max="50" label />